Association of Clinical Laboratory Directors, Biomedical and Clinical Laboratory Scientists

Established in 2006, our Association represents the majority of Clinical Laboratories, the Biomedical and Clinical Laboratory Scientists who live and work in the island of Cyprus.

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IFCC Webinar: "Importance of the Preanalytical Phase in different areas of the Laboratory" September 7, 2022


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IFCC free Webinar

7th September, 2022

"Importance of the Preanalytical Phase in different areas of the Laboratory"

Certificate of Participation available for all registrants!




Dear Colleagues,

The next IFCC webinar: "Importance of the Preanalytical Phase in different areas of the Laboratory" September 7, 2022.

The pre-analytical phase is an important component in the different processes of a laboratory, because there are multiple preanalytical variables that affect the result that will be obtained when analyzing the patient sample of blood or other body fluid.

Each section of the laboratory has various aspects to consider such as physiological variables, sampling procedures, preservation of the samples.

This webinar comprises of three following presentations of 20 min each followed by 20 min of panel discussion at the end.

Talk 1: "Importance of the Preanalytical Phase" (Biochemist Beatriz Varela)

Talk 2: "Importance of the Preanalytical Phase in Hematology and Haemostasis" (Biochemist Eduardo Aranda)

Talk 3: "Importance of the Preanalytical Phase in Microbiology" (Bacteriologist Bertha Lacouture)

Are you interested in this area? Then register for free here.

  • Schedule: 20 min per speaker plus 20 min panel discussion
  • Time Zones: Live presentations starting at: 11:00AM EDT-New York ; 5:00PM CET-Rome; 11:00PM CST-Beijing;
    Important: Please ensure that you carefully determine the time that the presentation will start in your global time zone. Click here to convert to your time-zone.
  • Recorded webinar: available on demand
  • Certificate of participation: available for all registrants



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